Tuesday, February 08, 2005


By Oscar Bruce

Give Your Web Site The Verbal Advantage

Have you ever sat down to create that winning ad, publicity release
or newsletter and couldn't come up with the right words or phrases?
You will never make your fortune until you cure this dialog dilemma.
You must enlarge your powers of expression, acquire precision and
persuasion. You need a powerhouse of color, flavor and tone to
highlight your message. This applies to personal conversations,
writing promotional material or creating a productive web site.

The Internet Is A Money Maker

In many ways the Web is the ultimate medium, but only for those who
can deliver their message persuasively and convincingly. In the end
it will be your site's ability to create desire and compel action
that will bring real wealth. Those not possessing the necessary
verbal skills will experience perpetual disappointment. They can not
create the success they desire, socially or financially.

Winning Words

How do you make your web site dazzle, charm and seduce? For your
site to be truly distinctive and compelling it will rely on
successful semantics. Words and phrases carefully selected, then
orchestrated to create feeling, then desire, and finally "action."
In the end, the success of your site rests entirely on your
visitor's decision to purchase and do it "now." Great graphics can't
get that decision. Dazzling colors will not. Only moving and
inspiring words can accomplish that mission.

You may have magical powers when you are there in person...Think you
can charm a dog off a meat wagon in person...Then on the other hand,
perhaps not. In either case, your words and phrases must carry your
message without benefit of your presence. You can't rely on your
great smile or your winning body language. Only the site's words
will tell the world who you are, what you do and what you stand for.

So, expand your inventory of words and phrases, and then choose them
with precision. You will be amazed at the difference it will make.

Oscar Bruce is considered the ultimate personal communications guru.
His dynamic books are considered the ultimate field manuals for
mastering conversation and confrontations. His website offers
several verbal strategies that can ad power to your conversations at
no cost.

HIS FREE NEWSLETTER and other products are available at

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