Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Increase Traffic, Sales, And Overall Profits With This One Easy Technique!

Author : Grady Smith.

It's an explosive chain reaction...

To make sales, you need traffic. And to get traffic ... well, that's a tough
challenge for many online marketers. But there truly is an under used way to
literally have visitors flocking to your web site with very little expense.
And this technique even increases the chances of you making money off your
visitors as opposed to traditional sales techniques used online.

The real question to ask yourself is, would you like to have traffic being
pumped to your web site while getting the chance to offer various products to
your visitors over and over again while making repeat sales on a shoe-string
budget and with dead-eye accuracy? Then keep reading...

Let's start with traffic. However you go about getting it, you usually have to
use either a lot of time, money, or both just to get a little spurt of
traffic. So the real "fire" behind marketing your MLM program, ebook, or
affiliate programs is to use your advertising as a tap for turning on a flood
of new visitors. And the easiest way to do this is by offering them something
absolutely free.

Free? Won't that cost a fortune giving out something for free?

Not at all. In fact, it's free for you too. With the age of digital
publishing, handing out ebooks or reports doesn't cost you a dime more whether
you're giving out 10 free reports or thousands.

And as a result of offering these free premiums to those visiting your web
site, you're going to have a lot more people coming to get the free stuff. And
in the process, you can use a free offering to build a strong list of targeted
prospects -- and market various products to them at your will.

First step is creating your free report or ebook. I like reports in most
cases, as they can be very informative without having to be huge. And with the
right title, you can send out a beacon that calls all of your perfect
customers right on over to your web site.

So, create a free report on a subject that would interest your perfect
customer. Who are you selling to? What do they want? What kind of report can
you create that they'll find irresistible?

Once you create your free report, create a web page that does nothing more
than sell people on downloading your free report. Just like writing a sales
letter for an online product you're charging for, you want to hit all of the
"buttons" that will make more people request your report. And in exchange for
giving them this free report, you're able to collect their email and name to
start building your own list of interested prospects.

Next, set your free report to run with an autoresponder. One that I recommend
is which allows you to send broadcast messages to everyone on
your entire mailing list. This means you can collect information, and then
later market to this group of prospects over and over again.

First message of your autoresponder should be your free report. From there,
you can create additional autoresponder messages that are sent to prospects
every couple of days to sell them on various products. Each email message
inside of your autoresponder can sell them on visiting and buying a different
product, meaning you can sell multiple products through one autoresponder and
make a whole heck of a lot more money by doing so.

But here's the real keys to making everything work like a rapid-fire machine

1) Announce that you're offering a free report in all classified ads you
create. Check out my signature file at the bottom of this article to see an
example of a free product I'm offering, and how I announce it. The same
technique can be used for creating your classified ads.

2) Don't use reports or ebooks that others have created. Instead, create your
own or hire someone to write one for you. This way, you're able to have an
exclusive report that no one else can offer. And that's a powerful thing when
you have a highly desired report and your web site is the only place to get it.

And as a final note, don't simply run the messages in your autoresponder and
then let the prospects slip away. Instead, keep offering new products either
that you create, buy, or sell through an affiliate program. Just creating new
email messages and "broadcasting" them to your list can be a quick and easy
way to bring in big profits quick.

FREE: How To Write "Stinger" Sales Letters That Pull in More Sales! Learn the
advanced secrets of writing killer copy .... absolutely free! Just visit to learn how to create stunning web site sales
letters and ad copy that pull strong results!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

How To Add Fresh Content To Your Website

Copyright © 2004 Jeff Schuman


I've read over and over that when it comes to building a website
and getting a lot of traffic to it "Content Is King." If you do
a search for any topic you will find the websites that come up
in the Top 10 all have a lot of content on their websites.

When somone does a search they are looking for information and
the search engines job is to provide it to them. For your
website to increase in popularity you have to constantly be
adding fresh content. This will increase your ranking for the
keywords on your site and ultimately increase your traffic and
repeat traffic.

Here are a few simple things you can do to add fresh content.

1. Do you publish and ezine? If so add a file to your index for
each issue and archive it online. This will bring all kinds of
keyword rich content to your website on a constant basis.

2. Start and article page. Add new articles to it. If you write
put your articles on your website. Subscribe to a few ezines
that are industry related. If you come across an article you
like add it to your page.

3. Add Free Syndicated Content Feeds to your article page. This
is really easy to do. All you do is copy a few lines of code
into the HTML of your web page and you have a constant stream of
new articles for your readers. Here are 2 of my favorite sources:

4. Add Pay Per Click Advertising to your site. Most people think
of PPC advertising as a way to promote their site. I have found
it very easy to build new web pages around different keywords
relating to the the theme of my site and actually get paid for
the click. One of my favorite pay per click advertising sources
is SearchFeed. This is very easy to work with and provides a
nice income boost every month as well.

Here is an example of a page I built around the SearchFeed
advertising model. Notice that I have made the look of their
box compliment my own page. Also a key here is that as the
advertisers with SearchFeed change so does the content on my
site and I never have to do anything except add some easy code
one time.

I have an article on the page and I change that periodically
as well.

5. Start a Link Exchange Program. This is a little harder to set
up and is time consuming, but I have found it to be worth the
effort. In a future article I will go into detail on how to
properly do link exchanges. For now just let me say that linking
is a great way to constantly be adding new content to your site
as you link with new websites that compliment yours.

One company who does a great job if you don't want to spend much
time linking is LinksManager. They manage reciprocal links, and
help increase your website traffic through linking with other
like-minded quality sites. Check them out here:

6. Think outside the box. It is worthwhile to continue to think
of new and easy ways to keep adding fresh content to your
website. Go to Google and do a search for "Fresh Content For My
Website" without the Quotation marks. Currently there are Over
1.9 million results that come up. Everything from cut and paste
charts, to RSS feeds and a whole lot more.

In conclusion "Content Really Is King. I have found my position
with the search engines improve dramatically when I really
started building more web pages and adding more fresh content.

It is time consuming at first, but the payoff in the long run is
worth the effort when the search engines reward your effort and
your traffic and income grow proportionally as well.

Resource Box:
Jeff Schuman is the creator of several websites. His
Sites-Plus.Com website is a small business website that contains
the best of everything you need to start and run your own small
business. Visit it here today:

Monday, December 06, 2004

Use Collaborative Approach - and Get Leveraged Earnings

Copyright@2004 Sanjay Johari

By helping others to grow their business you ensure growth of your own business. I have seen this theory work even while dealing with competitors. This confirms one of the golden rules - you get what you give to others.

I have been involved in building and running factories to generate profit and credibility - right from constructing foundations for machines and buildings up to the point of developing customers and retaining them. In the process I have had to deal with many agencies - suppliers, customers, consultants, government officials, licensing firms and many others.

Whenever I negotiate a deal with these agencies, I always have two considerations at the back of my mind. One of them is cost reduction and the other one is the prospect of entering into long-term relationship. It is often possible to resort to arm-twisting to get a deal which appears better for you. But there is a better approach - the collaborative approach.

Collaborative Approach - Let us take the case of a supplier or a vendor. While it is possible to force a deal in your favor, collaborative approach makes that unnecessary. In this approach you actually work with the vendor as a consultant to help him to reduce his cost of sale, and then get the savings passed on to you. This creates a win-win situation, good relationship develops and long-term source of supply is ensured.

Similar approach works with customers also. Customers can be helped in growing their business, in solving their technical problems and other issues. This may not give immediate monetary benefit, but there are longer-term advantages. One obvious benefit is that loyal customers are developed. Another equally important benefit is that customers actually advertise for your products. This is a no-cost advertisement endorsed by actual user of your product.

Network marketing uses a collaborative approach that makes it really appealing. It is unfortunate that network marketing or multi-level marketing is not really considered as respectable as it deserves to be. This may be because many network organizations have disappeared because of faulty systems or un-ethical practices. Many programs did not have any products to sell; their business was only recruiting down line members. Such programs and associated legal issues should be totally avoided.

PERSISTENCE PAYS - One of the reasons why new affiliates give up too early and too easily is that they were probably lured by some get-rich-quick scheme to join the program which did not materialize as they were led to believe. In any good network marketing program it is important to realize that results will be forthcoming only thru persistence. Building any business which can yield returns sufficient to support a family takes time.

Good Affiliate Programs - While many organizations have disappeared in thin air, there are also organizations that are growing and growing. Many programs offer unlimited earning potential. It is important to join only good programs with proven track record. New affiliates are often new to the Internet business and join with the hope of making some extra cash working part-time or working from home. They need support from the organizations operating the programs by way of training, sales promotion material, discussion forums etc. Many programs provide such support to their affiliates.

Personal Guidance - While all these material can help a new affiliate, there is no substitute for personal guidance. Apart from other benefits it can provide, it at least assures the new affiliate that she is being taken care of and is not left alone. This is where collaborative approach comes into play. Generally the person who sponsors the new affiliate works as a guide. The guide has more experience in this field and helps the new affiliate to grow her business.

Leveraged Earnings - The programs that have a system of providing leveraged earning to its members particularly take advantage of this situation. In leveraged earning, a member earns from the efforts of the down-line members. Suppose you have members in your down-line just below you, and these members have their own down-line members. Like this there are several layers of members below you. Depending upon the program you have joined, you can earn leveraged earning when your down-line members in several layers below you earn their commission.

In this situation it will be to your advantage to help other down-line members earn commission for themselves. They are also happy to earn for themselves with your help. This collaborative approach works out a winner for all concerned.

Apart from monetary benefits, there are other issues involved in the collaborative approach. In my opinion the most important aspect is that the new affiliate does not feel neglected. There are now plenty of free information available in the Internet, most of which can be obtained by visiting websites or thru autoresponders. All the secrets of running successful business are out there. Yet only a few people are able to succeed and earn back their investment. With so much of often-conflicting information people get more confused than educated. If there is a person to guide you it will at least give you a sense of relief.

There are awards also for those who guide others to realize their dreams. This is the sense of satisfaction they get in helping others and earning their life-long gratitude. Other bonus gift is opportunity of building your credibility and gain trust of your business partners.

The sense of belonging, which develops in collaborating with others for overall growth of all, is the real beauty of
leveraged earning.

Sanjay Johari helps in operating on-line small business.
Experience the power of leveraged earning.
For top business opportunity, information, e-books, articles and more, visit

Subscribe to Home Business Tips newsletter with hundreds of tricks and tips for Home Business. Send a blank e-mail to


Sunday, December 05, 2004

Knocking The Mythology Out of Affiliate Network Marketing

Copyright 2004 Isaiah Hull

If you have worked as an Internet marketer for any amount of time, you have probably heard repeatedly that affiliate network marketing opportunities are the most lucrative, cleanest, quickest way to make an income on the Internet. And if you have actually tried affiliate network marketing for any amount of time, you more than likely ended up brokeor never achieved more than modest, fluctuating success. almost everyone else who goes into the field.

So what prevents you and 97% of all other affiliatemarketers from succeeding while 3% continually rakes in 70% of the profits? Are they smarter than you are? Do they work harder and longer than you do? Do they know a bunch of obscure secrets that you do not?--No, but they do have atotally different mindset.

In order to become successful in affiliate network marketing, you must destroy the mythological mindset that most people bring to the business. You must stay firmly grounded in reality if you ever want to succeed.

How many times have you heard about some little old lady that only spends 3 hours a week on her computer and somehow earns $50,000 a month? And how many times have you read an ad that tells you how you can make $10,000 in one month from now if you sign up right away?

We have all seen these ads and we have all responded to them at one time or another. Chances are, if you're in an affiliate program now, you were hooked by a line like that.But what separates the "gurus" from the people who makelittle or no money is that the gurus understand what this really is: mythology. These stories, while they might be true, promote mythological thinking that tricks people into trying every opportunity that looks good at the moment,rather than focusing on a single opportunity.

These "opportunities" not only prevent you from succeeding, but they have an even nastier byproduct : they promote the mythology that you either succeed on the Internet in 15 minutes or you will never succeed at all.

This is simply not true, yet it is the reason why almost no one succeeds with affiliate marketing: they can never stay with one opportunity more than a couple months. If they do not have instant success, they give up and move on--restarting the same building process they abandoned. They never reap the profit of cumulative efforts. They build a foundation, they leave before starting the actual building--and then they move to another company, start the foundation, and then leave once again.

Without exception, every successful Internet marketer has spent an enormous amount of time both researching and experimenting with online business. Most have failed miserably a number of times and most have spent a significant amount of time working their way to the top and achieving profit. It really is pretty hard to earn an income on the Internet, but it is entirely doable if youare following a proven plan and if you are willing to abandon lofty mythology for a plan rooted in reality.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best places to start making a profit online. In fact, almost every successful Internet marketer I know started her career selling affiliate products. Many of them still do. What made them successful is that they found a legitimate opportunity tomake money (whether or not it was the best one available),they found replicable processes that got them visitors and profit, and then they repeated those processes and reinvested those profits until they got to where they are now.

Most people cannot accept that making money with affiliate programs is this simple. I have found that most affiliate marketers who do not earn an income online either a) do not want to do actual work or b) have developed a mythological mindset from reading affiliate program advertisements--and can only think in terms of making money on the Internet through magic, rather than results-oriented action.

In closing, I will summarize and then dispel all of the popular Internet affiliate marketing myths, so you can skip the learning curve and start building your empire today:

Myth #1: There is an affiliate program out there that will do all of the work for you and make you rich without requiring effort on your part.

Truth: You have a much better chance of earning an income on the Internet if you work on the affiliate program you are in currently in (as long as it is a legitimate opportunity) than if you search the entire Internet for a better opportunity. There is definitely a lot to be said for having a responsive, successful upline, but ultimately, your success will depend on your actions. You can sell anything on the Internet; you just have to spend enough time in the building and learning process.

Myth #2: You must spend an exorbitant amount of money on advertising to make money on the Internet.

Truth: Every single successful Internet marketer puts heavy testing, good design, and reliable follow-up over heavy spending. They minimize costs and they make sure what they are actually spending produces empirically-acceptable results.

If you ignore this you will fail. A lot of real life corporations spend thousands of dollars monthly on PPC campaigns and end up making no money at all because they don't start small and test their results. They just throw money at the problem and hope for sales. You don't have thousands of dollars to throw away, so don't do this.

Myth #3: You will succeed or fail on the Internet or on any Internet money-making venture within month.

Truth: Most Internet marketers have spent time building an enormous empire with big mailing lists and regular website visitors. They worked to become successful. You must also.

If you want to find an affiliate program that makes you rich instantly without putting in any work, then continue spending money. Send me an email when you find it because I have personally looked at hundreds--and while some are better than others--none offer success without action.

The Internet is riddled with mythology. If you want to succeed, you must reject this mythology and look for clear,work-for-results solutions. You must create plans and put them into action immediately. You must build and cultivate a base of subscribers and visitors. And above all, you must accept that you can only achieve profit through sweat, notluck.

About the Author:

Isaiah Hull is the CEO of an Internet business, a publisherof two business newsletters, PTL of several affiliate programs, and a business trainer for his affiliates. On 11/10/04, he released a brand-new free Internet income course to address the major changes in Internet marketing: